1. ~Prologue / プロローグ~
This time, I would like to introduce some users that I personally find interesting.
I think you're likely to see the work of people who often win daily challenges or are at the top of the rankings.
However, when you look at various works, you realize that there are other people who are making fascinating works that we haven't noticed.
The people I'm introducing here are only people that I personally find interesting, so I'm sure there are many other wonderful creators out there...
I hope that you will meet new creators through them, or on your own, and hone your creativity.
- *If you want to remove your work or introduction from the article, please contact me directly on discord (DM is also OK) or in the comments section of the work.
- *I may feature celebrities or long-time members at my discretion.
- ※こちらの記事への掲載により不都合がありましたら discord(DM可)あるいは私の作品等のコメント欄に直接ご連絡ください。
- ※古参で知名度の高い方も掲載させていただく場合がございます。
- ※敬称は略させていただきます。
2. ~Author Introduction / 作者の紹介~
【アキラ】 (Posted: 2025/1/20)
- He is an author with many serialized series (?) and a comical and highly expressive style. I first became interested in his work after seeing the George & Harry with Hanako series, and I was surprised by the gap between his comical works and those that are detailed and intricately drawn. I feel that many of his expressive techniques are shrouded in mystery, but if you have only seen the works in the Daily Challenge, I recommend you visit his personal page and take a look at his submitted works.
- シリーズ連載多数(?)、コミカルで高度な表現力をお持ちの作者です。私は掲載させていた画像のGeorge & Harry with 花子シリーズをきっかけに彼の作品に興味を持ち始めましたが、コミカルな作品だけでなく詳細で緻密に描かれた作品も生成しており、そのギャップにも驚かされました。表現技法の多くは謎に包まれておりそうな気がしますが、デイリーチャレンジの作品しか見たことのない方にはぜひ一度訪問して投稿作品を覗いてみてはいかがでしょうか?
【Motorcycle】 (Posted: 2025/1/9)
- As you can tell from his username, he is an artist with a passion for motorcycles. His works are not only realistic and anime-style, but are also organized into categories such as [MotoGP, off-road, cafe racer, etc.], with an overwhelming lineup that is like a motorcycle specialty store! Of course, he also works on other things besides motorcycles. His works are also featured in [Post > Inspire Sparks], so please take a look at them. If you feel like drawing motorcycles, you will surely find a lot to gain from his works.
- ユーザー名からも分かる通り、バイクへの情熱にあふれた作者です🏍 (リアル / アニメ)だけでなく【MotoGP / off-load / cafe-racer / ...etc】といったカテゴリーごとに作品も整理されており、まるでバイク専門店のようなラインナップは圧巻です‼ もちろん、バイクだけでなく一部他の作品も生成されています。【投稿>創作のインスピレーション】にも掲載されたバイクの伝道師とも言える彼の作品を一度ご覧ください。あなたがバイクを描きたくなったとき、きっと彼の作品から得られるものも少なくないと思います。
【飛鳥時代】 (Posted: 2025/1/6)
- He won the Daily Challenge [(0103) Theme: Space Colony], so some of you may already know him. His dynamic works are attractive, and recently he has been publishing many works by well-known people as featured works. His explanations of his impressions of the creators are also very interesting, and you can see his respect for other creators. At the time of publishing this article, it was already the 21st installment 😲❕, so maybe there will be a feauturing work of yours too 😊 (※ It seems that feauturing works were quite difficult, so it is unclear whether they will continue in the future 😂)
- デイリーチャレンジ【(0103)Theme:Space Colony/太空殖民地/宇宙植民地】にて受賞されていますので、既にご存じの方もいらっしゃると思います。躍動感にあふれた作品が魅力的で、最近では知名度の高い方の作品を featuring 作品として多数掲載されています。彼が抱く作者への印象などの解説もとても興味深く、他の作者への敬意が伝わってきます。この記事への掲載時に既に第21弾😲❕、ひょっとすると、あなたの feauturing作品もあるかもしれません😊 (※ feauturing作品は かなり苦労されたそうなので今後も継続されるかどうかは分かりません😂)
3. Editor's Note / 編集後記
Thank you for reading to the end. I would be happy if I could provide a new encounter. And I look forward to seeing more of your fascinating work.
To the creators whose work we have featured... / 作品をご紹介させていただいたクリエイターの皆様へ…
If you have any comments or questions about publishing your work, please feel free to contact us.
Once again, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your cooperation with this article. 🙏💕
To the artists we were unable to introduce... / ご紹介できなかったアーティストの皆様へ…
I'm sorry we couldn't introduce you all 🙏💦
There's no need to explain, but it's impossible to introduce everyone...😭
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued warm support 😊💕
note (注記):
This article is a sequel to the popular article "Enjoy Christmas with SeaArt!!".
I plan to continue updating it from time to time, so please look forward to it (=゚ω゚)ノ
If you have any suggestions for authors you already know, please let us know!
この記事は、ご好評いただきました【Enjoy Christmas with SeaArt!!】の続編として投稿することとしました。