There is a man with a beard and a goat in a field

There was a hunter in Dongcheng, who woke up in the middle of the night, and suddenly heard the "gurgling" of the window paper, and after a while, he heard the sound of crackling under the window, and put on his clothes and drank and asked. The outside replied, "I'm a ghost." If something asks you for help, don't be afraid. Orion asked what was going on. The ghost said: "Foxes and ghosts have not lived in different places since ancient times, and the tombs where foxes live are devoid of ghosts." My grave was more than three miles north of the village, and the fox took advantage of my absence from home, so they gathered clans to occupy my dwelling, but drove me away from entering the door. I wanted to fight, but I'm a Confucian, and I can't win. They also want to sue the earth gods, but even if they can get redressed by luck, they still have to take revenge after all, and in the end, it is equivalent to not winning the case. I just hope that when you hunt, or make a half-mile detour and pass by there a few times, they will be terrified and move elsewhere. However, if you encounter them, please do not kill them immediately, for fear that if you leak the news, they will resent me. Orion did as he was told. Later, I dreamed that he came to thank you. Traditional chinese painting
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There was a hunter in Dongcheng, who woke up in the middle of the night, and suddenly heard the "gurgling" of the window paper, and after a while, he heard the sound of crackling under the window, and put on his clothes and drank and asked. The outside replied, "I'm a ghost." If something asks you for help, don't be afraid. Orion asked what was going on. The ghost said: "Foxes and ghosts have not lived in different places since ancient times, and the tombs where foxes live are devoid of ghosts." My grave was more than three miles north of the village, and the fox took advantage of my absence from home, so they gathered clans to occupy my dwelling, but drove me away from entering the door. I wanted to fight, but I'm a Confucian, and I can't win. They also want to sue the earth gods, but even if they can get redressed by luck, they still have to take revenge after all, and in the end, it is equivalent to not winning the case. I just hope that when you hunt, or make a half-mile detour and pass by there a few times, they will be terrified and move elsewhere. However, if you encounter them, please do not kill them immediately, for fear that if you leak the news, they will resent me. Orion did as he was told. Later, I dreamed that he came to thank you. Traditional chinese painting
Checkpoint & LoRA

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