"Por favor, create an image of the anti-hero 'Red Flag'. He is a unique and ecce

"Por favor, create an image of the anti-hero 'Red Flag'. He is a unique and eccentric character, known for his crazy and unpredictable personality. He wears a vibrant red suit and wears a mask that completely covers his face, adding an air of mystery and anonymity. It has a red flag with abstract patterns of vibrant colors as a symbol, which reflects its chaotic nature. His special ability is the ability to create anything he can imagine, alterando a realidade ao seu redor. tem a capacidade de trazer objetos, creatures and scenarios for life from your creative mind. His fun and eccentric personality is reflected in his appearance and demeanor. He's a mix of archetypes, sendo principalmente o 'Louco' e o 'Bruxo' , with a unique approach to justice, often bringing a dose of humor to the most serious situations."
"Por favor, create an image of the anti-hero 'Red Flag'. He is a unique and eccentric character, known for his crazy and unpredictable personality. He wears a vibrant red suit and wears a mask that completely covers his face, adding an air of mystery and anonymity. It has a red flag with abstract patterns of vibrant colors as a symbol, which reflects its chaotic nature. His special ability is the ability to create anything he can imagine, alterando a realidade ao seu redor. tem a capacidade de trazer objetos, creatures and scenarios for life from your creative mind. His fun and eccentric personality is reflected in his appearance and demeanor. He's a mix of archetypes, sendo principalmente o 'Louco' e o 'Bruxo' , with a unique approach to justice, often bringing a dose of humor to the most serious situations."
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