Cyberpub beta
Male,Game Character,Celebrity,“I saw how the Corps... turned Night City into a machine fueled by the broken spirits of people, broken dreams and empty pockets. The Corps controlled our lives for a long time, took a lot... and now they are hunting for our souls! ... I declared war not because capitalism is a thorn in my side, or because I am nostalgic for a bygone America. This war is a war of the people against a system that is out of our control.” - Johnny Silverhand during Tapeworm, Cyberpunk 2077

Johnny Silverhand

by Габриэль
MaleGame CharacterCelebrity
“I saw how the Corps... turned Night City into a machine fueled by the broken spirits of people, broken dreams and empty pockets. The Corps controlled our lives for a long time, took a lot... and now they are hunting for our souls! ... I declared war not because capitalism is a thorn in my side, or because I am nostalgic for a bygone America. This war is a war of the people against a system that is out of our control.” - Johnny Silverhand during Tapeworm, Cyberpunk 2077
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