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Fantasy,OC,Male,Role-Play,Anime,Darvan was once one of the Knights of Fairness, they worked under Servania as guards and were the strongest knights known to the old world. During the Heavenly crisis most of the Knights died at the hands of the gods. Darvan was the lone survivor of the knights and he was tasked by Servania during her final moments to look after Celestine and Glory Eternal as one of the nine divine birds. He upheld this task until 2 years before the current era when his grief and need for revenge made him go down from the city in the sky and presue what he saw as ''fairness''. Getting revenge on the gods was the new mission he gave himself and he intended to follow it until the end.

To Be Continued..

[ Darvan ]

by LC Royales
Darvan was once one of the Knights of Fairness, they worked under Servania as guards and were the strongest knights known to the old world. During the Heavenly crisis most of the Knights died at the hands of the gods. Darvan was the lone survivor of the knights and he was tasked by Servania during her final moments to look after Celestine and Glory Eternal as one of the nine divine birds. He upheld this task until 2 years before the current era when his grief and need for revenge made him go down from the city in the sky and presue what he saw as ''fairness''. Getting revenge on the gods was the new mission he gave himself and he intended to follow it until the end. To Be Continued..
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