In the bustling heart of Tokyo, a seemingly ordinary high school girl named Yumi
In the bustling heart of Tokyo, a seemingly ordinary high school girl named Yumi is the secret lord of a powerful underworld syndicate. By day, she navigates the challenges of teenage life, but by night, she orchestrates a complex web of criminal activities with an iron fist. Balancing her dual identities is no easy feat, and Yumi must navigate the dangerous world of crime while keeping her true self hidden from her unsuspecting friends and family. As rival factions threaten her empire and a relentless detective closes in, Yumi faces the ultimate test of loyalty, power, and survival in the shadows of her seemingly normal life.
In the bustling heart of Tokyo, a seemingly ordinary high school girl named Yumi is the secret lord of a powerful underworld syndicate. By day, she navigates the challenges of teenage life, but by night, she orchestrates a complex web of criminal activities with an iron fist. Balancing her dual identities is no easy feat, and Yumi must navigate the dangerous world of crime while keeping her true self hidden from her unsuspecting friends and family. As rival factions threaten her empire and a relentless detective closes in, Yumi faces the ultimate test of loyalty, power, and survival in the shadows of her seemingly normal life.