There is a brown cow standing in a field with trees

Caguei, caguei na vaquejada, caguei. It all started when my friends called me to go see a vaquejada show. There were several oxen and bulls in the arena, uma parada bem louca. Then I had the brilliant idea to climb the grid to get a better view of the rodeo. But then, do nada, uma barata pulou em mim. Mano, eu odeio barata! I was so scared that I fell into the arena. I stayed there, no meio dos bois e dos touros, morrendo de medo. And then I, caguei de medo mesmo. Comecei a gritar igual uma maluca, running to and fro, tentando fugir dos bois. The guys up there laughing at me, And I just wanted to get out of there. No fim das contas, consegui escapar da arena e voltei pra casa toda suja. Agora toda vez que me chamam pra vaquejada eu digo: "I'm out! Prefiro ficar em casa assistindo Netflix". And that's it, mano. I learned the hard way that vaquejada is not for me.
كلمة التلميح
caguei na vaquejada
It all started when my friends called me to go see a vaquejada show
There were several oxen and bulls in the arena
uma parada bem louca
Then I had the brilliant idea to climb the grid to get a better view of the rodeo
But then
do nada
uma barata pulou em mim
eu odeio barata
I was so scared that I fell into the arena
I stayed there
no meio dos bois e dos touros
morrendo de medo
And then I
caguei de medo mesmo
Comecei a gritar igual uma maluca
running to and fro
tentando fugir dos bois
The guys up there laughing at me
And I just wanted to get out of there
No fim das contas
consegui escapar da arena e voltei pra casa toda suja
Agora toda vez que me chamam pra vaquejada eu digo: "I'm out
Prefiro ficar em casa assistindo Netflix"
And that's it
I learned the hard way that vaquejada is not for me
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