A painting of a mountain with a tree and a mountain in the background

ink and watercolor painting,Draw on rice paper,Use thick, light inks to create shading variations and layers,Choose the right ink color,Such as deep black、Thick gray、Light coffee, etc,Express different situations and atmospheres,Control the gradient and transition of ink color by the humidity and consistency of the ink,mont,Eau,the trees,Lake surface,Small broken boat,Bleak, Desolate, Solitude,Black and white tones,dead tree, Traditional Chinese Ink Painting, Traditional Chinese art, author:Guo Xi, author:Ma Yuanyu, Traditional Chinese painting, author:Xu Xi, author:Luo Mu, author:Yang Buzhi, author:Li Kelan, author:Gu An, Ink painting ) ) ) ), Chinese ink painting, Chinese painting style
ink and watercolor painting,Draw on rice paper,Use thick, light inks to create shading variations and layers,Choose the right ink color,Such as deep black、Thick gray、Light coffee, etc,Express different situations and atmospheres,Control the gradient and transition of ink color by the humidity and consistency of the ink,mont,Eau,the trees,Lake surface,Small broken boat,Bleak, Desolate, Solitude,Black and white tones,dead tree, Traditional Chinese Ink Painting, Traditional Chinese art, author:Guo Xi, author:Ma Yuanyu, Traditional Chinese painting, author:Xu Xi, author:Luo Mu, author:Yang Buzhi, author:Li Kelan, author:Gu An, Ink painting ) ) ) ), Chinese ink painting, Chinese painting style
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