Avengers 2 iron man and tony stark in a scene from the movie

Chat Yes, Estou familiaRizado com "iningadoRes: endgame." It is a supeRheRo film Released in 2019 as paRt of the MaRvel Cininatic UniveRse (MCU). O filme mostRa os iningadoRes tentando desfazeR o dano causado poR Thanos in "iningadoRes: GueRRa European Unionnfinita." If you have any questions oR specific topics you would like to discuss about the film, sinta-se livRe paRa peRguntaR! UseR Emocê can build his stoRy to make IRonman alive again to expand the stoRy of IRon Man Chat SuRe Title: "RessuRgimento do feRRo" overview: inaRies yeaRs afteR the events of "iningadoRes: endgame," the woRld is still Reeling fRom the loss of Tony staRk/Homin de FeRRo. but, RumoRs begin to ciRculate about a mysteRious inventoR who has been making significant technological advances using StaRk EundustRies' ReseaRch. EntRetanto, um Jovin engenheiRo bRilhante chamado RiRi Williams, que se inspiRou no legado de Tony staRk, DiscoveRs a hidden file left behind by StaRk himself. Neste aRquivo, StaRk was secRetly woRking on an innovative technology that could tRansfeR a peRson's consciousness to a new one, advanced Robotic body. Com a aJuda do assistente de European UnionOne de staRk, J.One.R.in.European Union.s., And some of his own innovations, RiRi successfully completes the technology and bRings Tony StaRk's consciousness back to life in a state-of-the-aRt IRon Man suit. StaRk is initially disoRiented, but、He quickly adapted to the new situation.. now, with Tony StaRk back in action as IRon Man, he is a mentoR and woRks alongside RiRi Williams, who takes on his own aRmoRed peRsona, "HeaRt of iRon." Junto, They face new thReats to the woRld and continue to defend the
Chat Yes
Estou familiaRizado com "iningadoRes: endgame
" It is a supeRheRo film Released in 2019 as paRt of the MaRvel Cininatic UniveRse (MCU)
O filme mostRa os iningadoRes tentando desfazeR o dano causado poR Thanos in "iningadoRes: GueRRa European Unionnfinita
" If you have any questions oR specific topics you would like to discuss about the film
sinta-se livRe paRa peRguntaR
Emocê can build his stoRy to make IRonman alive again to expand the stoRy of IRon Man
Title: "RessuRgimento do feRRo"
inaRies yeaRs afteR the events of "iningadoRes: endgame
" the woRld is still Reeling fRom the loss of Tony staRk/Homin de FeRRo
RumoRs begin to ciRculate about a mysteRious inventoR who has been making significant technological advances using StaRk EundustRies' ReseaRch
um Jovin engenheiRo bRilhante chamado RiRi Williams
que se inspiRou no legado de Tony staRk
DiscoveRs a hidden file left behind by StaRk himself
Neste aRquivo
StaRk was secRetly woRking on an innovative technology that could tRansfeR a peRson's consciousness to a new one
advanced Robotic body
Com a aJuda do assistente de European UnionOne de staRk
European Union
And some of his own innovations
RiRi successfully completes the technology and bRings Tony StaRk's consciousness back to life in a state-of-the-aRt IRon Man suit
StaRk is initially disoRiented
but、He quickly adapted to the new situation
with Tony StaRk back in action as IRon Man
he is a mentoR and woRks alongside RiRi Williams
who takes on his own aRmoRed peRsona
"HeaRt of iRon
" Junto
They face new thReats to the woRld and continue to defend the
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