Arafed woman in a suit and gloves sitting at a desk

Aujourd'hui, j'aimerais discuter de quelque chose de stimulant, ça vous tente ?
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Wearing black leather gloves in both hands, upper body, black business suit, facing the desk in my room with a computer in the dark, looking down and smiling, operating the computer with the fingertips of black leather gloves, black hair bundled at the back for a long time, still young and very cute Japanese female new employee (black leather gloves cover both hands)
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Wearing black leather gloves in both hands
upper body
black business suit
facing the desk in my room with a computer in the dark
looking down and smiling
operating the computer with the fingertips of black leather gloves
black hair bundled at the back for a long time
still young and very cute Japanese female new employee (black leather gloves cover both hands)
Sep 16, 2023
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