A futuristic city with neon lights and futuristic buildings

Develop a logo for my brand that depicts a magical MIDI keyboard with cyberpunk-style details and a connection to elements of magic and imagination. Place the logo drawing in the center of the image and set the image background to a single solid color,vetor, 2d illustration, fundo branco, muito colorido, gradiente colorido moderno, centralizado, Vista frontal, hiperdetalhado, designer de camiseta, Futuristic utopian, 8K resolution concept art, 8K resolution concept art, cidade do futuro, Porto espacial futurista, arte conceitual 8 k, Arte conceitual de Sci-Fi Hollywood
Develop a logo for my brand that depicts a magical MIDI keyboard with cyberpunk-style details and a connection to elements of magic and imagination. Place the logo drawing in the center of the image and set the image background to a single solid color,vetor, 2d illustration, fundo branco, muito colorido, gradiente colorido moderno, centralizado, Vista frontal, hiperdetalhado, designer de camiseta, Futuristic utopian, 8K resolution concept art, 8K resolution concept art, cidade do futuro, Porto espacial futurista, arte conceitual 8 k, Arte conceitual de Sci-Fi Hollywood
# アブストラクト